Agricultural Scientist


Agricultural scientists manage agricultural producers or service companies, participate in the processing and marketing of agricultural products, sell products from the agricultural supply industry or advise agricultural companies. They take on planning and administrative tasks in specialist authorities, associations and agricultural institutions or are active in agricultural testing.


Agricultural scientists deal with the production of agricultural products, agricultural technology, as well as with organization and management in the agricultural industry. They develop concepts, plan agricultural production and analyze work processes with a view to their profitability. In the agricultural supply industry, they develop Seed, feed and fertilizer according to customer requirements and market requirements. They run agricultural holdings, deal with the marketing of agricultural products in producer groups and trading companies or in the food industry with the purchase of raw materials. In addition, agricultural scientists advise farmers, authorities or trade associations on technical and business issues. In agricultural institutions, e.g. at chambers of agriculture, agricultural cooperatives and associations, they take on tasks in the area of ​​planning and organization.

Typical Places of Work

Agricultural scientists find employment e.g. in agriculture

  • at crop protection, feed, fertilizer manufacturers
  • in research institutes, research institutes, at universities
  • at agricultural offices, environmental protection authorities, professional organizations or business associations
  • in agricultural machinery companies


The salary level for Agricultural Scientist in Germany is: from 3874 up to 6355 EUR per month


Why is?

Agricultural scientists manage agricultural producers or service companies, participate in the processing and marketing of agricultural products, sell products from the agricultural supply industry or advise agricultural companies. They take on planning and administrative tasks in specialist authorities, associations and agricultural institutions or are active in agricultural testing.

Agricultural production and management

Regardless of whether vegetable or animal food and feed are produced in agricultural production plants or agricultural products are marketed by a supplier: Agricultural scientists will find the right solution for each farm and implement it. They deal with the development of work chains in production and processing and with activities in the business-commercial area. They are also active in customer service and sales. For example, as sales and specialist advisors for fertilizers, feed, crop protection agents, for seeds, breeding animals, agricultural machinery and barn equipment, they advise farmers about the respective application and application options and conduct sales negotiations.

Concept, advice and implementation

Agricultural scientists deal with questions of agriculture at farm level, but also in larger economic contexts. They deal with the demands placed on modern agriculture and develop appropriate production techniques and management concepts. In doing so, they keep an eye on both ecological and economic aspects. They advise farms on questions of farm organization, investment and cultivation planning as well as accounting and provide information about support programs, sales opportunities or the optimization of IT use in the farm. Agricultural scientists also examine the further development of existing and the introduction or cultivation of new agricultural products. They assess quality assurance measures and participate in the development of improved and new processes. In collaboration with scientists from related disciplines, such as agricultural biologists or biochemists and chemists, they research seeds, feed and fertilizers, plan vegetation trials and analyze e.g. the relationships between growing conditions and plant growth.

Diverse possible uses

Agricultural scientists have other fields of work open to them. You manage agricultural producers or service companies or work in purchasing departments of the food industry, in the management and marketing departments of trading companies, producer groups or agricultural cooperatives. As raw material managers, they coordinate logistical processes for central and decentralized raw material supply, monitor and control harvesting logistics and storage capacities, and advise raw material suppliers on the planning and optimization of crop rotations. The project planning and implementation of biogas and biomass plants can also be part of the area of ​​responsibility.

Planning and administration tasks are undertaken by agricultural scientists in associations, agricultural institutions and specialist authorities. Here they develop e.g. Concepts for the implementation of landscape development measures, deal with questions of agricultural structure and planning and research the conditions for sustainable landscape use. To e.g. To meet the increasing demand for food, raw materials and energy, they are developing environmentally friendly and economically viable production and processing methods. Agricultural scientists take on research tasks in private institutes, at state research institutes or in universities. As experts, they prepare expert reports for private clients and authorities. If they are involved in agricultural development aid projects, they advise e.g. about suitable cultivation methods. In the area of ​​environmental protection, they implement Environmental management systems or carry out environmental audits. As agricultural officers, they organize information events on behalf of agricultural authorities, for example.

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