Biologists can work in different fields. In scientific research, they investigate issues in the fields of genetic engineering, microbiology, molecular biology, pharmacology or toxicology and publish research results. At colleges, they teach students, prepare for lectures and seminars, correct written work and take exams. Independent scientific activities open up i.d.R. only after a master's degree and a doctorate.
In the pharmaceutical or biotechnology industries, biologists develop products and optimize existing pharmaceuticals. In addition, they can participate in the approval and registration of new pharmaceutical preparations, advise physicians on sales of pharmaceutical products or take on tasks in environmental management and environmental protection.
Typical Places of Work
Biologen und Biologinnen finden Beschäftigung z.B.
- an Hochschulen und Forschungsinstituten
- in Unternehmen der Pharma- und Chemieindustrie
- im Gesundheitswesen, z.B. in Laboratorien von Krankenhäusern
- in botanischen und zoologischen Gärten und Naturparks
- in der öffentlichen Verwaltung, z.B. bei Umweltämtern
The salary level for Biologist in Germany is:
from 3939
up to 6037 EUR per month
What is it about?
Biologists study in scientific research e.g. Structures and processes in humans, animals, plants and microorganisms. In addition, they may be involved in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products, in product development, quality assurance, environmental protection or consulting.
Scientific Research and Teaching
You are conducting investigations on and with living organisms. For example, they study the molecular structure and structure of cell constituents as well as metabolic processes in microorganisms and animal or plant cells. The goal is to find out, for example, which gene sequences are altered in a disease. Based on the results, it is also possible to develop drugs or vaccines that attack these altered sites. A future-oriented role is played here by the Nanotechnology . Biologists are exploring the possibilities of using these in the analysis of biomolecules and cells, or to use them in biomedicine for the transport of biological agents such as drugs. In biotechnology and genetic engineering, for example, they are researching how crops can produce higher yields and higher pest resistance, or how food ingredients such as vitamins can be produced biotechnologically.
You publish the research results and make them accessible to other scientists and students. At conferences and congresses they talk about insights. They hold lectures and seminars, supervise scientific work and take exams.
For independent scientific activities i.d.R. a master's degree and a doctorate required.
Development and Sales
Biologists working in pharmaceutical or biotechnological production transfer e.g. Research results on the operating scale. In this so-called scale-up, they are looking for technically feasible, economical and environmentally compatible production routes for new products and test the results from the development laboratory under field conditions. When they take on validation tasks, they ensure that production facilities, equipment, analytical methods and all manufacturing steps meet the required high quality standards for pharmaceuticals at all times. Biologists also participate in the approval and registration of medicinal products. In sales, they advise general practitioners and research institutes on new drugs, laboratory equipment or diagnostics, conduct sales negotiations, conclude contracts or develop concepts for product management.
Leadership positions often require a master's degree.
From Environmental Analysis to Environmental Education
In the field of environmental analysis, they carry e.g. Pollutant measurements or make reports on animal and plant occurrences in certain areas, which is e.g. Influence on the designation of construction areas.
Nature conservation organizations and conservation agencies also need biological expertise. There, biologists look after protected areas in Germany and abroad, observe the occurrence and behavior of plants and animals or draw up care plans for protected biotopes. They draft applications and write statements, e.g. in the fields of environmental protection or regional planning.
In zoos and botanical gardens, biologists, for example, care for the welfare of zoo animals, coordinate international breeding programs or plan events for visitors. They investigate the behavior of animals or the growth of plants that are rarely found in the wild. These results can provide important insights for the conservation and conservation of plants and animals and their original habitats.
In environmental education, they bring, for example, Encouraging natural relationships with children and conveying nature experiences. Furthermore, biologists can take on tasks in the field of environmental management, i.a. in the health industry. For example, they implement environmental management systems in clinics or carry out environmental audits.