

Criminologists study the causes, effects, control, and prevention of criminal behavior in society.


Criminologists gain insights into the causes and manifestations of crime, as well as possible prevention measures. In data collection and analysis, they use methods of empirical social research to evaluate crime scene reports, files, databases, expert interviews, studies, and literature. They advise political decision-makers, police, or courts to optimize measures and concepts for protection, security, and surveillance and to further develop prevention, security, or surveillance concepts and measures. Additionally, they prepare their data and insights about crime causes and other criminological mechanisms for publication and release them in professional and general media.

In academic research, criminologists also analyze and interpret the causes and manifestations of crime and publish their findings. At universities, they teach, prepare lectures and seminars, correct written assignments, and administer exams. Independent scientific activities usually become accessible after a master's degree and a doctorate.

Typical Places of Work

Criminologists can find employment, for example:

  • in crime-fighting authorities, such as federal and state criminal investigation offices
  • at universities and research institutes


The salary level for Criminologist in Germany is: from 4949 up to 6634 EUR per month


What is it about?

Criminologists study the causes, effects, control, and prevention of criminal behavior in society.

From Data Collection to Protection and Security

Criminologists search for causal relationships and explanations for criminal acts, unlike criminal investigators who deal with solving specific crimes. They explore why someone becomes a criminal. Can biographical or personality traits, such as living conditions and social frameworks, be identified that influence the propensity for criminal behavior?

They examine the interactions between crimes and the societal norms and values system, investigate the effectiveness of threats of punishment, the severity of penalties, punishment, and correctional measures, and analyze conditions for successful reintegration into society. During these investigations, they collaborate interdisciplinary with scientists from sociology, social sciences, psychology, law, and education, applying empirical social research methods on behalf of federal and state ministries.

For example, they evaluate entries in the Federal Central Register, analyze criminal records, collect and examine data on recidivism, conduct expert interviews with practitioners from all areas of criminal justice, or interview offenders and victims of crimes. They also perform systematic literature research and analyses. Depending on the research project's questions, they determine the entire organizational process, select appropriate methods, define the data sources to be analyzed, develop questionnaires and interview guides, and prepare data collection forms for file analyses.

After this exploration phase, data collection and analysis take place, followed by interpretation and documentation of the results. Based on their investigations, prevention, reintegration, and penal systems can be developed to provide the best possible protection and security for the population within given frameworks.

Documenting and Publishing Data

They systematically document their findings and publish them in professional journals or create expert reports on prevention, reintegration, and sanctions to advise political institutions. Managing and conducting criminological projects and studies require good planning and organization, as international teams may focus on a specific topic for years.

Criminologists must document and assess their numerous external contacts with staff from authorities, administrations, public prosecutors, correctional institutions, institutions of social, youth, or health policy, police departments, as well as offenders and victims of crimes, which often means intensive office work after long field operations.

Attending conferences, participating in advisory roles in political committees and panels, and publishing research findings in professional journals are also part of their responsibilities.

A master's degree is often required for leadership positions.

Scientific Research and Teaching

Criminologists can also work in research and teaching. For example, at chairs of criminology, criminal policy, and police science, they analyze criminological issues, discuss the usefulness of video surveillance systems, the topic of violence and football, or the risks of gambling halls. They also evaluate the effectiveness of laws, prosecution, and penalties.

They document research findings in professional articles or books, making them accessible to other scientists and students. They present findings at conferences, teach students in lectures, supervise academic work, and conduct examinations.

Independent scientific work typically requires a master's degree and a doctorate.

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