Environmental scientists analyse the causes of environmental problems, develop solutions in the areas of environmental planning, environmental, nature and health protection and advise companies and consumers on environmental issues.
Environmental scientists research the causes of ecological problems in order to prevent damage in advance or to eliminate it afterwards. They monitor and analyse environmentally relevant processes, assess ecological risks and carry out environmental impact assessments. To do this, they take samples, for example, carry out measurements in the laboratory, evaluate them and interpret them. If necessary, they prepare a report or a study on them.
On the basis of the results of the investigations, they design and implement protection programmes in environmental policy, for example. They plan and monitor protected areas, carry out renaturation and ensure, for example in development planning for rural areas or in transport planning, that unavoidable interventions in the landscape and nature are carried out in the most environmentally friendly way possible. They advise companies on issues of production-integrated environmental protection and are involved in approval procedures. They can also work in consumer advice or environmental education.
Environmental scientists find work, for example:
The salary level for Environmental Scientist in Germany is: from 4194 up to 6393 EUR per month
Environmental scientists analyse the causes of environmental problems, develop solutions in the areas of environmental planning, environmental, nature and health protection and advise companies and consumers on environmental issues.
Whether it is analysing development plans with regard to ecological risks or advising a company on the disposal of environmentally harmful production waste: the aim of the work of environmental scientists is to create the conditions for the best possible living conditions and development opportunities for nature and people and to find strategies for dealing with the conflicts of interest that arise.
Environmental scientists work in authorities, organisations, planning and consulting offices, industrial companies and research institutions. They can specialise in different areas of application of their subject: for example, they plan measures for emissions, water or soil protection, are active in land management or in consumer advice. They sometimes also take on tasks in the field of occupational safety. Based on their own investigations and analyses, they prepare reports on environmentally relevant measures in public and private institutions as part of environmental impact assessments. As environmental officers, they advise and support institutions, organizations and companies in ecologically significant fields of action. They are also involved in public relations work for environmental issues and ecological projects.
In environmental informatics and communication, environmental scientists develop, implement and maintain databases and platforms that deal with environmental issues such as climate change.
Although there is still field research "in the green", for example in fields such as biodiversity research and biotope recording and maintenance, most environmental scientists spend considerably more time in the laboratory and on the computer. There they evaluate and document research results, create project concepts, plan measures and write applications for funding.
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