

Geographers explore the nature of the earth's surface, its use and its importance for people and their different cultures. They analyze system relationships, collect data, evaluate them and develop plans for the spatial development of the environment.


Geographers can work in different areas. In scientific research, they examine e.g. the climatic, physical, socio-economic and ecological conditions and changes in a region using methods of scientific and geographic research (physical geography) or social, economic and historical research (cultural geography) and publish research results. At universities, they teach students, prepare lectures and seminars, correct written papers and take exams. Independent scientific activities usually open up. only after completing a master’s degree and a doctorate.

In the area of ​​spatial planning and spatial planning, they collect and process spatial information. Based on this data, they develop planning principles as well as development and development concepts and advise e.g. public and private institutions. The data is also used e.g. in official statistics, empirical social and market research, in information databases, in regional, regional and urban planning, the geographic information service of the Bundeswehr or in geographic maps.

Typical Places of Work

Geographers find employment e.g.

  • at universities and research institutes
  • in public administration, e.g. at regional planning offices
  • in architectural offices for local, regional and regional planning
  • at environmental organizations
  • at development aid organizations
  • in the Bundeswehr, e.g. in the geographic information service


The salary level for Geographer in Germany is: from 3234 up to 6355 EUR per month


Why is?

Geographers explore the nature of the earth's surface, its use and its significance for people and their different cultures. They analyze system relationships, collect data, evaluate them and develop plans for the spatial development of the environment.

Research and Teaching

At universities or in research institutes, they deal with questions such as relief development, climate change, hydrogeology or political geography, looking for solutions to social, social and international problems. For this purpose, they collect spatial data, evaluate them and present them clearly. These data can come from, for example, labor market and educational research, economic research or geological and physical measurements. They design lectures, prepare seminars, exercises, excursions and internships and develop teaching materials. They also have to design, carry out and correct study and examination papers. They raise funds for research projects at government institutions and industry, carry out the projects and publish the results. They speak at conferences and congresses about their findings.

As a rule, for independent scientific activities a master's degree and a doctorate are required.

Spatial planning

In the public service, geographers deal with issues of federal spatial planning, state and regional planning, with advice to citizens, companies and institutions or with urban development planning at the local level. They take stock, mostly through field work, draw up plans for road and settlement construction, consider how agriculture could be promoted, or develop concepts for regional management. In doing so, they have to consider the different usage requirements and interests of e.g. Consider agriculture and forestry as well as settlement development and nature conservation. Geographers can also work in the field of development aid, for example in the conception and implementation of settlement projects based on geographical features.

Human and environment

Other areas of responsibility are in forestry and agriculture, fisheries, water and waste management, landscape planning and maintenance, and in nature and environmental protection. Here, geographers record landscape structures, research and describe the spatial distribution of plant and animal populations and analyze any changes within a region. Based on this, they develop proposals for the designation of protected areas or for the protection and management of natural resources (e.g. groundwater).

In geoinformatics, geographers develop e.g. Programs that process geographic data and train users to use them. Here, there are also possible uses in the Bundeswehr geographic information service. Geographers can also work in specialist publishers (e.g. in the production of maps, atlases), in the (further) development of information databases or in empirical social and market research.

A master’s degree is often required for management positions.

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