Health promoters or health educators find employment in the first place
The salary level for Health Promoter, Health Educator in Germany is: from 3530 up to 4222 EUR per month
Health promoters or health educators initiate and plan health promotion measures, implement them and evaluate them. In addition, they inform and advise individuals, groups, companies and organizations on prevention and rehabilitation topics, especially on exercise, nutrition and lifestyle.
How can the quality of life in the district be improved? Which programs can be helpful? What can an occupational health care plan look like? The goal is the best possible health care and prevention of the population at a reasonable cost. Balancing this field of tension for all involved is, among other things. Task of health promoters or health educators.
Health promoters or health educators plan and design projects and programs for health promotion and prevention taking into account economic contexts. For example, they create targeted prevention and exercise programs, such as spinal trainings for office workers or concepts for the "conversion" of living spaces and institutions to health-promoting and sustaining places. In addition, they develop e.g. for communities structures and networks for health promotion. They assess the quality of prevention, health promotion and leisure programs as well as training, education and consultancy. In the evaluation, they provide e.g. Determine who needs which programs, which programs have proven effective so far, or whether a program complies with current scientific knowledge. Your rating is e.g. Health insurance funds as a basis for deciding which programs are financed.
They also do practical consulting work. Health promoters and health educators advise companies, authorities and institutions such as schools and kindergartens, which measures they can take to make the working, living and living areas health-promoting. In public, school or private counseling centers they inform and advise on topics such as disease and addiction prevention, leisure activities or psychosocial integration. It may also include the task of training and advising patients with a particular medical condition and their caregivers, e.g. People with diabetes mellitus.
For specialists and multipliers, they organize training and further education events on health topics. In health management, they coordinate, manage or manage health organizations.
Those who have completed a master's program often assume management positions. For independent scientific activities i.d.R. In addition, a doctorate is required. Health promoters or health educators then work out e.g. Studies on the health effects of social developments or individual behaviors.
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