Lawyers deal with laws and legal norms that regulate social interaction. They contribute to legal norms, legal orders and legal systems through legal advice and design. They bring about clarification in legal disputes.
Lawyers apply legal regulations, interpret them for specific legal questions or participate in the further development or interpretation of the law. In addition to the classic legal professions such as judge, public prosecutor, lawyer or notary, lawyers also work in larger companies, in associations and organizations as well as in authorities. Here they help to conclude contracts and agreements of all kinds, for example purchase or rental agreements, employment contracts or contracts for cooperation with business partners, examine existing contracts and, if necessary, enforce them in court or arbitration bodies. They analyze the legal requirements, e.g. for decisions in personnel matters or clarify patent or copyright issues, e.g. when using certain processes in production. They also deal with customs issues when importing or exporting goods, deal with financial and property law, insurance or tax law issues and advise on legally compliant procedures. Lawyers are also active in the external representation and marketing of companies, associations or authorities.
Lawyers find employment primarily
In addition, they also find employment
The salary level for Lawyer in Germany is: from 4986 up to 6228 EUR per month
Lawyers deal with laws and legal norms that regulate social interaction. They contribute to legal norms, legal orders and legal systems through legal advice and design. They bring about clarification in legal disputes.
Whether you are renting an apartment or entering into an employment relationship, whether a company is selling a product under a brand name or looking for franchise partners for a business idea, whether an interest group wants to influence legislation or an association wants to be recognized as a non-profit organization - it is always about law, contracts and laws or regulations. Lawyers are experts in all legally regulated matters in public, business and private life.
In their work, lawyers first examine a situation and find out which legal rules are the right ones for it. In a systematic and structured analysis, they look for standards, interpret them in relation to the questions to be clarified and apply them to the situation. In doing so, they take into account the legal commentaries and explanations of laws and regulations, draw on court decisions in their interpretation and justify their view of the legal situation.
As a result of their work, lawyers formulate contract texts or explain how a contract is to be applied in a disputed matter. In the event of a dispute, they explain the legal situation to the opposing parties or write petitions, complaints or statements of claim to authorities or courts. They advise a company or private individual about the legal options or consequences of, for example, a purchase contract, a personnel decision, an inheritance matter or an insurance matter. When it comes to enforcing claims or demands, they initiate the necessary steps and measures, taking legal action.
Outside of the regulated legal professions - judge, public prosecutor, lawyer or notary - lawyers can find employment in senior positions in commercial companies and associations. In the legal departments, they check, for example, whether the objectives and plans of the company management are legally enforceable. They also handle the legal drafting of shareholder, purchase and other contracts. They also conduct contract negotiations. In human resources, they draft employment contracts, working conditions and company agreements.
Lawyers also work in public administrations and institutions. Here they are responsible, for example, for awarding public contracts in accordance with European procurement law. At consulting companies, they advise clients on issues such as company formation, rationalization, restructuring or succession planning. At insurance companies, they process and settle claims. Lawyers also work in the field of public relations for companies, associations or authorities. In the run-up to legislation, they work for interest groups or in the offices of members of parliament, for example. In addition, academic research and teaching also offer employment opportunities, although a doctorate is often required here.
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