Lawyers specializing in public law deal with legal issues that regulate the relationship between public authorities and individual private law subjects. They advise on the drafting and implementation of new legal regulations and laws and provide clarification in legal disputes.
Depending on their field of work, public law lawyers deal with the respective legal sources, legal regulations, administrative contracts and administrative acts. Typical tasks include the legal review and assessment of facts and advising on factual issues. They are also involved in the drafting of legal regulations, draft laws or administrative regulations. Their work can also include the preparation of expert opinions.
In the legal departments of companies or associations, they advise on issues such as building law, service law or commercial law. They check whether the objectives and plans of the company management are legally enforceable. If not, they develop appropriate solutions. In authorities, public law lawyers help to draft legal regulations, draft laws or administrative regulations, decide on fundamental questions and prepare expert opinions, for example on expropriation and official liability issues. They also participate in criminal law proceedings, such as administrative offence proceedings. Consulting companies offer another field of activity. There they advise clients on issues such as legal regulations and draft laws and dealings with public institutions.
Lawyers specializing in public law find employment primarily
They also find employment
The salary level for Lawyer in public law in Germany is: from 4986 up to 6228 EUR per month
Lawyers specializing in public law deal with legal issues that regulate the relationship between public authorities and individual private law subjects. They advise on the drafting and implementation of new legal regulations and laws and bring about clarification in legal disputes.
Public law comprises several levels with the respective sub-areas: At the domestic level, lawyers specializing in public law deal with national law, e.g. the state and constitutional law, administrative law, social law, tax law and criminal law of a state. At the international level, supranational law applies, such as European law or international law. Depending on their field of work, public law lawyers deal with the respective legal sources, legal regulations, administrative contracts and administrative acts.
In the legal departments of companies, authorities or associations, they advise and examine issues such as building law, service law or commercial law. They examine whether the objectives and plans of the company management are legally enforceable. If not, they develop proposed solutions. In authorities, public law lawyers work on the drafting of legal regulations, draft laws or administrative regulations and decide on fundamental questions. They prepare reports on issues such as expropriation and official liability. They also participate in criminal law proceedings, such as administrative offense proceedings.
Lawyers specializing in public law can work in public administration, in commercial companies or in associations, such as chambers of commerce and industry. Another field of activity is in consulting companies. There they advise clients on issues such as legal regulations and draft laws and dealing with public institutions. In addition, academic research and teaching also offer employment opportunities, although a doctorate is often required here.
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