

Linguists can work in a variety of areas. For example, they work in editorial departments on the development and implementation of dictionaries, language maps, speech recognition, speech transmission or speech production systems. In the field of marketing and public relations, they examine, for example, the brand communication of companies, write press releases and prepare press interviews. In adult education, they conduct communication seminars.

In scientific research, linguists analyze and interpret linguistic forms and means of expression and publish research results. At universities, they teach students, prepare lectures and seminars, correct written work and take exams. Independent scientific activities usually only become possible after a master's degree and a doctorate.


Linguists study human language, its structures, forms and functions, its origins and effects. They work in areas such as editorial work, marketing, public relations, adult education and in science and teaching.

Typical Places of Work

Linguists find employment e.g.

  • in media companies
  • in PR, marketing, advertising and communications agencies
  • in educational institutions
  • at universities and research institutes


The salary level for Linguist in Germany is: from 3431 up to 5919 EUR per month


What is it about?

Linguists study human language, its structures, forms and functions, its origins and effects. They work in editorial departments, marketing, public relations, adult education and in science and teaching, for example.

From publishing to adult education

In media companies or educational institutions, linguists use modern information technology and PC application programs to compare languages ​​with one another, research dialects and dialects, record dying languages ​​in order to preserve the knowledge and cultural heritage of the respective ethnic group, create language maps, lists of family, place or product names or sociolinguistic analyses. They contribute to concepts for language teaching, speech recognition or speech synthesis. In marketing, advertising and public relations, they analyze advertising or product messages from companies with the aim of developing successful corporate communication. In the field of adult education, for example, they offer communication seminars or, in clinical linguistics, analyze language abnormalities, language disorders or loss of language together with neurologists.

A master's degree is often required for management positions.

In scientific research and teaching

Classic scientific fields of activity are general linguistics, which analyzes human language as a natural system, its general characteristics, functions and cross-linguistic similarities; applied linguistics, which deals in an interdisciplinary manner with foreign language didactics, with language descriptions in the form of dictionaries and grammars, as well as with problems from the natural sciences, culture, information, law and humanities from a linguistic point of view; comparative linguistics, which compares different individual languages ​​or different language levels of a specific individual language; and historical linguistics, which questions changes in language over time.

Linguists record research results in specialist articles or books and make them available This makes them accessible to other scientists and students. They give talks about their findings at conferences and congresses. They impart knowledge to students in courses, supervise scientific work and conduct examinations.

For independent scientific activities, a master's degree and a doctorate are usually required.

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