Media IT specialists find employment e.g.
The salary level for Media Compter Science in Germany is: from 3749 up to 4759 EUR per month
Media IT specialists plan and implement IT solutions for the creation of printed, electronic, digital or interactive means of communication and take on IT support for media information systems.
Computer science has become an elementary and indispensable part of the media. The conception, production or presentation of media products, the creation, processing and processing, as well as the management of texts, photographs, graphics, animations, audio or video recordings usually requires. the use of computer technology. As specialists with knowledge in the field of media as well as IT systems, media IT specialists conceive and design e.g. interactive educational software or computer games. They develop programs for speech recognition or music software for composing and editing electronic audio files. Programming and designing interactive and multimedia information systems for the Internet are also part of her range of tasks.
Media IT specialists either develop application-oriented solutions themselves or adapt standard software tools for media creation or editing to the needs and requirements of their customers and clients. They analyze the wishes and problems of the users and take media psychological aspects into account in order to obtain a user-friendly, clearly structured and intuitive navigation structure.
In addition to the development of IT solutions for all areas of the media industry - from publishers for online media or learning or game software, through advertising and marketing agencies to radio or television stations - media IT specialists can also participate in the design of the user interfaces of technical IT applications , e.g. software for medical devices or for the control of production plants. In addition, they provide support for users of media technology systems and work in the sales of these products. In research and development laboratories in industry or at universities, for example, they conduct research in the fields of developing interactive multimedia applications or audiovisual media projects.
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