Medical Physicist


Medical physicists apply physical methods in medical diagnostics and therapy and develop corresponding medical-technical devices and procedures.


Medical physicists can work in different areas. In radiation diagnostics and therapy, they plan e.g. Irradiation of cancer patients based on physical calculations. In cooperation with the industry, they deal e.g. with the implementation and evaluation of new products or devices. By regularly checking devices such as tomographs, lasers, lithotriptors and procedures, they ensure their safety and quality. Furthermore, they train medical specialists in the use of devices and procedures and advise doctors and medical institutions on the selection and purchase of devices. In medical technology companies, they work in areas such as development, quality assurance or sales.

Medical physicists deal with medical research e.g. with questions of radiation application in therapy and diagnostics, develop and test new methods and apparatus for radiation therapy and publish research results. At universities they teach students, prepare lectures and seminars, correct written papers and take exams. Independent scientific activities usually open up. only after completing a master’s degree and a doctorate.

Typical Places of Work

Medical physicists find employment e.g.

  • in hospitals
  • at manufacturers of medical technology devices
  • in medical research and development
  • at universities


The salary level for Medical Physicist in Germany is: up to 5581 EUR per month


Why is?

Radiotherapy and diagnostics

It is primarily the three "classic" areas of X-ray diagnostics, radio-oncology and nuclear medicine, but also radiation protection, in which medical physicists provide services and perform advisory or monitoring functions. In clinics and medical practices, for example, they are involved in the introduction and evaluation of new technologies and carry out quality controls at regular intervals to ensure the safe use of the devices. One of the most important tasks is dosimetry, the measurement of the amount of energy from rays. It is the prerequisite for the optimal use of ionizing radiation for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes while minimizing possible radiation damage. Medical physicists can work in all areas of medicine in which physical methods are used. You advise e.g. also with the purchase of medical-physical devices or carry out the training and further education of the technical staff and doctors in (radiation) physics, device science and radiation protection. If you work in companies that manufacture medical devices, their typical area of ​​application is the development department. Your specialist knowledge is also required in quality assurance or technical sales. If you work for approval, testing and supervisory authorities, you monitor e.g. compliance with the radiation protection regulations and check the device safety.

A master’s degree is often required for management positions.

Research, development and teaching

When developing new and improving existing procedures, medical physicists work closely with experts from the natural and engineering sciences as well as with doctors and bring their wishes and ideas into line with the available physical methods and the international state of research. Medical physicists also carry out research and development tasks in the medical technology industry. When it comes to application-oriented developments, the hospital liaises with industry when it comes to the implementation and evaluation of new technical products.

They record their research results in publications and make them accessible to other scientists and students. They speak at conferences and congresses about their findings. They give lectures and seminars, supervise scientific work and take exams.

As a rule, for independent scientific activities a master's degree and a doctorate are required.

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