
Ingenieur/in - Nanotechnologie

Nanotechnologists (Nanotechnology engineers) study and manipulate molecular structures in the nanometer range. In this way, they develop new materials, processes and technologies for the production of industrial and pharmaceutical products.


Nanotechnology engineers analyze living and inanimate nature in dimensions of millionths of a millimeter. The aim is to create ever smaller structures and basic elements for scientific, medical and industrial applications and to give them new properties through manipulation at the molecular level. To do this, nanotechnology engineers develop new processes and technologies, nanotools and ultra-precision machining techniques. They simulate the production of nanosystems on the computer, design and produce new products or materials with special functionalities. Examples of these are super-hard coatings, extremely strong molecular adhesive bonds, selectively acting pharmaceuticals or dense data storage for super-fast computers. In customer service, they advise companies, and in sales, they prepare offers and submit them to customers.

Typical Places of Work

Nanotechnology engineers find employment, for example, in companies in the information and energy technology industry, in manufacturers of semiconductor products and micro- and molecular electronic systems

  • in biotechnology companies, in the pharmaceutical or chemical industry
  • in research institutes
  • Salary

    The salary level for Nanotechnologist in Germany is: from 5003 up to 6324 EUR per month


    What is it about?

    Nanotechnology engineers examine molecular structures in the nanometer range and manipulate them. In this way, they develop new materials, processes and technologies for the production of industrial and pharmaceutical products.

    Down to the smallest detail

    Nanotechnology engineers analyze blueprints of living and inanimate nature in order to understand the self-organizing structure of matter. This makes it possible to influence these blueprints in a targeted manner. Due to the small dimensions and the associated difficulties in analysis, nanotechnology engineers often use simulations and use physical calculations on the computer to determine the properties of nanoparticles.

    Nanotechnology in industry

    Nanotechnology engineers optimize the molecular properties of materials and products, for example in energy (fuel cells, solar cells, gas storage, etc.), environmental (material cycles, disposal and cleaning) or information technology (high-density storage, powerful processors, etc.). They develop materials with novel properties for molecular electronics, new processes and technologies for producing functionally specific thin layers and for creating extremely precise surfaces, new analysis and characterization processes, as well as nanotools and ultra-precision processing techniques. In nanosystem technology, they build large, complex structures using the smallest of elements and carry out computer simulations (virtual prototyping).

    Other possible uses

    In addition, nanotechnology engineers can work in sales or technical consulting. Here, they advise customers on the purchase or possible uses of nanotechnology products. They prepare offers and submit them to the customer. They can also work in procurement or expert services, for example.

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