Educators find employment in the first place
In addition, they also find employment
The salary level for Pedagogue in Germany is: from 3686 up to 6119 EUR per month
Educators advise, supervise, teach and educate people in different areas of life. They develop support programs and design educational processes.
For example, in educational counseling centers, educators support advice-seeking parents. From them they can explain the underlying situation in detail, listen, take notes and ask questions in case of ambiguity. In doing so, they approach the problems and discussions methodically and, together with the interlocutors, look for possible causes for the difficulties involved. They analyze the overall situation from the perspective of a neutral observer and propose solutions. Possibly. turn on psychological or medical professionals.
The pedagogical or socio-educational support of people includes the early education and the care of adolescents up to the targeted coaching of adults. Educators are involved in youth work, addiction prevention, educational planning, in-company training, integration of migrants, senior citizen work and neighborhood work.
In doing so, they develop a targeted support program, design educational processes and accompany the individual development steps in order to be able to regulate possible disruptions. Especially in elementary education, the integration of children with a migrant background and the inclusion of children with disabilities plays an important role. Anti-violence training for young people who are ready for violence is also carried out by educators. For example, in adult education, educators organize and guide vocational reintegration courses.
Educators reflect and formulate educational, teaching and educational goals. Depending on the specific activity, they also compile and prepare didactic content, develop and test effective methods of education, education, counseling, education administration and evaluation. For executive positions, a master's degree is often required, for independent scientific activities i.d.R. a master's degree and a doctorate required.
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