Religious scholars study religions and religious worldviews in the present and the past. They work in editorial departments, public relations, adult education, or in science and teaching.
Religious scholars can work in a variety of areas. For example, they read, check and edit manuscripts in the publishing industry, develop new media products and supervise authors. They create articles (e.g. reports, feature articles) for online and print media, television or radio or edit them editorially. They can also lead events on ethical, cultural and cultural-historical topics in adult education. In the area of public relations, for example, they write press releases and prepare press interviews.
In academic research, religious scholars analyze and interpret religious texts from the past and present and publish research results. At universities, they teach students, prepare lectures and seminars, correct written work and take exams. Independent academic activities usually only become possible after a master's degree and a doctorate.
Religionswissenschaftler/innen finden Beschäftigung z.B.
The salary level for Religious Studies Scholar in Germany is: from 3745 up to 6542 EUR per month
Religious scholars deal with religions and religious worldviews in the present and the past. They work, for example, in editorial work, in public relations, in adult education or in science and teaching.
In publishing houses, they supervise authors and proofread and edit manuscripts. For example, they write specialist articles or reports for publishers, television, radio or other media, research for articles on topics from religion, culture and cultural history and, for example, as science journalists, prepare topics for a broad audience. In order to work in journalism, an internship or a corresponding practical journalistic qualification is usually required in addition to a completed degree.
In adult education, religious scholars design and lead events on ethical, cultural or cultural-historical topics. In order to stimulate dialogue between members of different religious communities, these can be, for example, series of topics on religions of the world or specialist discussions with experts on current topics.
In the area of public relations, for example, it is about preparing press conferences and appointments and writing press releases.
A master's degree is often required for management positions.
In academic research, religious scholars gain an overview of the beliefs, religious customs and traditions of various religions around the world, review archive material and research texts that are difficult to access. They analyze and interpret religious writings, establish connections and systematize the material. Through comparative analyses, they work out similarities and differences between world religions as well as between religions and religious beliefs from smaller cultural circles. Religious scholars want to contribute to the understanding of foreign cultures. They show what divides and unites religions in order to promote tolerance between different religious groups and prevent misunderstandings between denominations.
Religious scholars record research results in specialist articles or books and thus make them accessible to other scientists and students. They give lectures on findings at conferences and congresses. They impart knowledge to students in courses, supervise academic work and take examinations.
A master's degree and a doctorate are usually required for independent academic activities.
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