Venture Capitalist


Venture capitalists provide newly founded companies with capital without the usual securities. Since the risk of such investments is generally high, venture capitalists usually support young entrepreneurs intensively. First, they review the business plans of start-ups or gather information on-site. They assess the chances of the companies establishing themselves in their respective markets and calculate the probable developments in company value. If their investment decision is positive, they collect money from investors and pool it, for example, in investment funds. In addition to financial support, venture capitalists assist young companies with their knowledge and experience. When the support from venture capitalists ends after usually two to five years, they negotiate with the company founders about the repurchase of the invested capital or organize the sale of shares on the stock exchange or to other venture capital firms.


Venture capitalists advise young entrepreneurs on business planning and provide capital to start up or develop their business ideas.

Typical Places of Work

Venture capitalists find employment

  • in investment, tax consulting and auditing firms
  • in management consulting firms
  • in law firms
  • in investment companies


The salary level for Venture Capitalist in Germany is: from 4989 up to 7100 EUR per month


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