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Faculty of Education

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Faculty of Education

The researchers at the faculty ask about individual and institutional preconditions, processes and results of education, development and social interaction. Both basic and applied research form the foundation of an interdisciplinary, cooperative and internationally compatible education, development and social research.

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The researchers of the faculty (approx. 35 professors and 150 employees) involved in the academic initiative educational research investigate the individual, institutional and social preconditions and processes of learning in (extra-)school contexts and communicate the resulting findings to students and teachers. Leuphana has thus made a national and international name for itself both in teacher training and in empirical educational research, including research into teaching and competences. As one of the first universities in Germany, it implemented an institutional cooperation of educational sciences, subject didactics and related subject sciences in the sense of a "School of Education" as early as 2008 and bundled it at the Faculty of Education in order to support interdisciplinary research, coordinated teaching content and institutional cooperation with school practice and other institutions.


The Faculty of Education is currently developing its profile in educational research through two research centres, which cut across the research profiles of the individual institutes. The research centre ERLE (Educational Research on Language and Education) creates space for innovative and interdisciplinary research in which academics from a wide range of disciplines participate and conduct interdisciplinary basic research on common issues. The research and development work in the "Future Centre for Teacher Education" (ZZL) aims to dovetail theory and school practice, to work in a network of currently six campus schools and, in doing so, to strengthen the cooperation between schools, study seminars and extracurricular institutions.


Leuphana is one of the few locations in Germany that is currently establishing a research focus on social pedagogy with a polyvalent orientation. Basic and application-oriented research is being conducted with a view to both occupational field-specific and training-specific topics. The professorships assigned to the research focus conduct research from an interdisciplinary social science perspective on numerous internationally relevant topics in social pedagogy, such as child welfare/child protection; diversity (gender, generational, ethnic); (forced) migration; social work education; trust and client-provider relationships; social inequality. Anchoring in the main reference disciplines of social pedagogy (educational science, psychology and sociology) and interdisciplinary collaborative research projects play a decisive role in this. The research topics of the priority area are all grouped around the overarching theme of „Social Pedagogy in Diverse Societies“.


In its role as a hub science, psychology sees itself as a connecting element between the faculties. Within the framework of the teaching and research focus "Psychology and Society", it not only takes a look at socially relevant topics in the context of education, school and social work, but also connects with the research activities of sustainability and economics as well as political science. These are examined in various research projects funded by the DFG, ministries and other third-party funding sources. The various focal topics, such as reading regularity, negotiation and sustainability, digitalisation of prevention and health promotion, mindfulness, or education and gender justice, are bundled across faculties under the guiding theme "Psychology of Transformation", which is intended to express the social relevance of psychological research at Leuphana University.

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