В Studienkolleg of the KIT (Karlsruher Institute for Technology)Тип: T-Kurs Все курсы штудиенколлег
В Studienkolleg of the KIT (Karlsruher Institute for Technology)
![Studienkolleg of the KIT (Karlsruher Institute for Technology) Studienkolleg of the KIT (Karlsruher Institute for Technology)](https://studyinfocus.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Logo_KIT.png)
The T-Course prepares applicants for a scientific and technical degree at a university. After two semesters, an assessment test (FSP) is written, which - if passed - entitles you to study a T-subject throughout Germany.
Подробнее о курсе
The courses are supervised by several specialist lecturers and, due to the small course size (approx. 25 students), enable a lively exchange between students and the respective lecturer as well as between the students themselves. The subjects German, mathematics, physics and chemistry/computer science are taught. In addition to the lessons, there is a weekly tutorial in mathematics and physics. In the second semester, the lessons are supplemented by an internship.
Начать обучение на этом курсе можно два раза в год - на летний и на зимний семестр. Начало обучения в зимний семестр - с 01.09 Начало обучения в летний семестр - с 02.03
Период обучения составляет 2 семестров
Учебный план
The courses are supervised by several specialist lecturers and, due to the small course size (approx. 25 students), enable a lively exchange between students and the respective lecturer as well as between the students themselves. The subjects German, mathematics, physics and chemistry/computer science are taught. In addition to the lessons, there is a weekly tutorial in mathematics and physics. In the second semester, the lessons are supplemented by an internship.
Для поступления на T-Course в Studienkolleg of the KIT (Karlsruher Institute for Technology) необходимо получить направление от одного из вузов на этот курс штудиенколлег.
Минимальный уровень требуемого сертификата немецкого языка - B1.
Для зачисления на учебу на T-Course в Studienkolleg of the KIT (Karlsruher Institute for Technology) необходимо успешно сдать вступительные экзамены.
Вступительные экзамены на T-Course в Studienkolleg of the KIT (Karlsruher Institute for Technology)
Для поступления на этот курс необходимо сдать следующие экзамены:
- Немецкий
- Математика
Ориентировочная дата вступительного экзамена (Aufnahmeprüfung) на T-Course в Studienkolleg of the KIT (Karlsruher Institute for Technology): на зимний семестр - 16.08, на летний семестр - 14.02
Подробнее о вступительных экзаменах на T-Course в Studienkolleg of the KIT (Karlsruher Institute for Technology)
The entrance test for T-course applicants consists of two parts:
- approx. one-hour online exam in mathematics
- approx. one-hour online exam in German
Both parts of the exam are taken on the same day.
Please note:
- You can only take part in the admissions test if you have a valid reservation and a seat confirmation after successful registration.
- No aids are allowed.
- Please bring your pre-registration and your passport with you to the entrance test.
- Please bring your access data with you to the following portals: onSET, Ilias
- Please come on time
Information on the German exam
The entrance test takes place with the help of onSET (= online placement test). You don't need computer skills. You just need to know how to use the keyboard and mouse. Everything else runs automatically. The onSET contains eight tasks. Each task consists of a gap text with exactly 20 gaps. You have a maximum of five minutes for each gap text. Overall, the test takes a maximum of 40 minutes.
You can find more information on the website https://www.onset.de/. You can prepare for onSET with a sample test. The test is shorter and slightly easier than the onSET. But he shows you what you have to do with onSET.
Information on the math exam
Format: The mathematics entrance test takes place as an electronic exam in the Ilias of the KIT.
Content: Curriculum including the 11th grade of a German high school
Примеры вступительных экзаменов на T-Course в Studienkolleg of the KIT (Karlsruher Institute for Technology)
Пример вступительного экзамена по немецкому языку
, Пример вступительного экзамена по немецкому языку
Пример вступительного экзамена по математике
Пример вступительного экзамена по математике
Выпускные экзамены
Выпускные экзамены FSP проводятся непосредственно в школе по окончании этого курса.
Выпускные экзамены включают, в том числе:
- Немецкий
- Математика
- Физика
- Химия
Internal participants, i.e. students who attend the Studienkolleg, receive a semester grade for their performance in the second semester in all subjects (German, mathematics, physics, computer science with electrical engineering - internship or chemistry with chemistry - internship).
The written exam covers German, mathematics, physics or chemistry or computer science. The oral examination in the respective subject can be waived if the average of the semester grade and the written examination is at least 4.0 and the difference ('amount of the difference') is no more than one grade. If both grades (semester grade and written exam) are not sufficient in at least two subjects, there is no oral exam and the FSP is not passed.
Premature assessment test: If certain requirements are met, the FSP can be brought forward in one subject (or several subjects), i.e. it can be taken after the first semester. For this, the average grade of the first semester in the subject concerned must be at least 2.5 and all participating lecturers must agree.
If the FSP is passed, the overall grade results from the (possibly weighted) average of all relevant partial grades. You will be exempted from a subject if you have passed the early examination or (when repeating) the grade achieved has been recognised. In this case, the grade obtained in the early part is included in the overall grade.
If you don't get an adequate final grade in just one subject, you can take a re-examination. The re-examination takes place approximately one month after the FSP. The conditions are the same as for the (first) FP. In particular, the semester grade is retained, if available.
Calculation examples: Some cases that occur frequently are shown in a table. Please follow the link.
If you have any further questions, we will be happy to help you: send an email.
The exam is divided into a written and an oral part.
The subject of the written examination (focus T) are three subjects:
- German (approx. 4.5 hours including breaks and reading time)
- Mathematics (180 minutes)
- Physics, chemistry or computer science (180 minutes)
The oral examination covers the subjects of the written examination and another subject not chosen in the written examination (chemistry, computer science or physics).
Parts of the exam
The written test in German is based on the form and requirements of the DSH or the TestDaF. Applicants can apply to be exempted from the German exam if they can present one of the following certificates:
- The German Language Diploma of the Conference of Ministers of Education - Second Level,
- The certificate of having passed the Goethe-Certificate C2 (Great German Language Diploma (GDS) from the Goethe-Institut),
- The certificate of the German language test for university admission (DSH) with an overall result of at least DSH-2,
- the test German as a foreign language for foreign university applicants (TestDaF) with a result that shows at least TestDaF level 4 in all four partial tests,
- The certificate of having passed the "telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule" exam
The German part of the exam can be taken at an earlier date (preferred German exam).
The processing time for the written exam is 3 hours (180 minutes). A (non-programmable) pocket calculator and the formula collection are permitted as aids: Sieber; Mathematical Formulas E; Klett Verlag Stuttgart. The content is based on the material plan.
The oral exam usually lasts 15 minutes and has the same content as above.
The processing time for the written exam is 3 hours (180 minutes). A (non-programmable) pocket calculator is permitted as an aid. The content is based on the material plan.
The oral exam usually lasts 15 minutes and has the same content as above.
Computer Science
The processing time for the written exam is 3 hours (180 minutes). A (non-programmable) pocket calculator is permitted as an aid. The content is based on the material plan.
The oral exam usually lasts 15 minutes and has the same content as above.
The processing time for the written exam is 3 hours (180 minutes). A (non-programmable) pocket calculator is permitted as an aid. The content is based on the material plan.
The oral exam usually lasts 15 minutes and has the same content as above.
Начало обучения в Зимний Семестр, Летний Семестр
Срок подачи документов на зимний семестр до 15.07. Ориентировочная дата вступительного экзамена (Aufnahme Prüfung) - 16.08
Срок подачи документов на летний семестр до 15.01. Ориентировочная дата вступительного экзамена (Aufnahme Prüfung) - 14.02
Обучение бесплатно. Как правило взимается только семестровый сбор соответветствующего вуза.
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