The preparatory college represents a "good practice" model in Europe, since successful study preparation and intensive support in preparation for the specialist studies take place here.
In addition, the preparation at the preparatory college includes study-related and social counseling and support as well as the introduction to the university so that the students can fully develop their potential. On the one hand, failures mean negative experiences for those affected, but on the other hand, they also represent a waste of institutional resources.
Since the higher education entrance qualification of international applicants from certain countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and America is only partially comparable with the German Abitur, such applicants must first take the "Feststellungsprüfung" before starting their studies . This is an abbreviation for the "examination to determine the suitability of foreign applicants for studying at universities in the Federal Republic of Germany". The assessment test can be taken both internally (after attending the preparatory college) and externally.
To prepare for this exam, the preparatory colleges offer international students language and subject-related preparatory courses and thus represent a kind of preliminary study
According to the nature and purpose of the preparatory college, regular attendance at all classes is compulsory. The achievements from the one-year course carry a lot of weight in the final examination. Lessons are around 30-32 hours a week and last from September to January in the winter semester and from February to August in the summer semester. Aids such as computers, demonstration and exercise equipment as well as literature are available for the lessons.
At the Studienkolleg of the TU Berlin, the specialist courses T and W as well as a Propädeutikum are offered.
In 2015, a course was set up for refugees to quickly learn the German language skills required for STEM studies.
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