Studienkolleg of the KIT (Karlsruher Institute for Technology) logo

Studienkolleg of the KIT (Karlsruher Institute for Technology)

Studienkolleg / Sprachenzentrum des KIT (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)

Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg

In the preparatory college, students of different national origins, different religious and political convictions and different educational backgrounds come together to prepare for the same goal. This special situation requires that teachers and learners work together in mutual respect for each other's personality, religious beliefs, nationality and political views.

On behalf of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK), the preparatory college prepares foreign applicants for the assessment test and the German language test for university entrance (or equivalent tests) and conducts these tests. The courses/exams are aimed at students whose educational qualifications can only be obtained in connection with a successfully completed assessment test (FSP) or German language test for university entrance (DSH or TestDaF or equivalent tests) for a course of study at a university, art college, teacher training college or cooperative education system entitle university. Furthermore, the preparatory college has the task of improving the technical language ability of the students.

The Studienkolleg is a central institution at the KIT (Karlsruher Institute for Technology) and is directly assigned to the Vice President for Teaching. The Language Center is affiliated with the Studienkolleg.

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