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Preparatory College at the Free University of Berlin

Studienkolleg der Freie Universität Berlin

Berlin, Berlin

The preparatory college of Freie Universität Berlin is located at the university of the same name and prepares you for studying at the Berlin universities with training in the German language and in subject-specific subjects corresponding to the chosen study program of the university.

Is your formal education not sufficient for a direct application to the desired subject? In this case, you can apply for a one-year preparatory course at the Studienkolleg if your previous education qualifies you for it. The all-day lessons take place five days a week in the subjects of a specialization course suitable for the desired degree and in German.

The final examination to determine your university aptitude (Feststellungsprüfung) qualifies you for applications within your range of subjects at all German universities. You can also take the assessment test externally at the preparatory college after organizing your own preparation. However, the number of examination places is limited for capacity reasons.

If you are aiming for a course of study outside the focus of the assessment test you have already passed, you must take a supplementary test in the additional specialist courses. The prerequisite for this is that the original university entrance qualification allows you to study in this subject.

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