Studienkolleg (SK) at the International Studienzentrum (ISZ) Kassel logo

Studienkolleg (SK) at the International Studienzentrum (ISZ) Kassel

Internationales Studienzentrum (ISZ) / Studienkolleg Kassel

Кассель, Hesse

We are pleased to introduce you to the preparatory college at the International Study Center (ISZ). The preparatory college prepares foreign students linguistically, technically and methodically for studying at a German university. We hope to be able to welcome you personally soon!

The preparatory college, part of the International Study Center at the University of Kassel, prepares applicants with foreign qualifications for studying at German universities.

The preparation takes place in special courses and depends on the subject that the applicants would like to study at the university.
At the end of a course, an examination must be taken to determine whether the students at the preparatory college are suitable for university studies in Germany (Feststellungsprüfung).

During the time at the Studienkolleg, the students are enrolled at the University of Kassel.

What does the preparatory college offer?

  • linguistic and subject-related preparation for technical, scientific and mathematical courses in the T-course, for economics and social science courses in the W-course
  • Preparation for the examination to determine aptitude for studies (assessment test) for applicants with foreign university entrance qualifications who have received conditional admission to the desired degree program from the University of Kassel or Fulda University
  • Conducting the assessment test, in individual cases also externally, i. H. without attending the Studienkolleg
  • Information and advice about admission to the preparatory college and the assessment test, as well as questions related to studying after the preparatory college

We will help you successfully apply and come to study in Germany

Contact us to find out how we can help you get into the best university in Germany and secure a promising career.

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