Center for international Students Konstanz (Studienkolleg)
Штудиенколлег Baden-Württemberg![Center for international Students Konstanz (Studienkolleg)](
Center for international Students Konstanz (Studienkolleg)
Studienkolleg an der HTWG Konstanz
The Studienkolleg offers a two- semester preparatory program for applicantswho do not yet have the necessary academic qualifications to apply to german Universities of applied sciences. There are two different programs: one technically- oriented (for technical and engineering degree programs; and one business- oriented (for social sciences and business- oriented programs).
О Center for international Students Konstanz (Studienkolleg)
The Studienkolleg offers a two-semester preparatory program for applicants who do not yet have the necessary academic and/or language qualifications to apply to German universities of applied sciences.
There are two different programs:
The T-course: a technically-oriented program to prepare you for technical and engineering degree programs.
The W-course: a business-oriented program to prepare you for social sciences and business-oriented programs.
Students complete these programs by taking the “Feststellungsprüfung” (assessment test). Afterwards, you can apply to universities of applied sciences throughout Germany and to the universities in Baden- Württemberg.
The universities of applied sciences in Baden-Württemberg automatically accept our assessment test.
Please note: In the other German federal states, you must enquire whether that university recognizes our Feststellungsprüfung certificate before applying there.
Our preparatory programs take place at the Konstanz University of Applied Sciences, and you will be taught by lecturers and professors who also teach in our regular degree programs. The language of instruction is German.
If you attend the Studienkolleg, you will be enrolled at our university and will have access to the library, the computer center and the university's other services like all regular students.
Поступление в Center for international Students Konstanz (Studienkolleg)
Для поступления в Center for international Students Konstanz (Studienkolleg) достаточно сертификата немецкого языка уровня B1. Прием документов на поступление в Center for international Students Konstanz (Studienkolleg), как правило, заканчивается 01.05 на зимний семестр и 01.11 на летний семестр.
Если вы уже знаете, какой курс штудиенколлег вам нужен, вы можете подать заявку на поступление в Center for international Students Konstanz (Studienkolleg) выбрав подходящий вам курс ниже. Если вы еще не знаете (или не уверены), какой курс штудиенколлег вам подойдет, а также хотите уточнить детали по поводу поступления и подачи документов в Center for international Students Konstanz (Studienkolleg), уточните эти вопросы у нашего консультанта.
Курсы Center for international Students Konstanz (Studienkolleg)
W course: preparation for business and social science courses
ПодробнееЯзыковые курсы Center for international Students Konstanz (Studienkolleg)
Подготовительные курсы Center for international Students Konstanz (Studienkolleg)
Проживание Center for international Students Konstanz (Studienkolleg)
Дополнительные услуги Center for international Students Konstanz (Studienkolleg)
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Записаться сейчас!Адрес & Карта
Alfred-Wachtel-Straße 8, 78462 Konstanz, Germany