The G-courses at the Studienkolleg Darmstadt serve to introduce scientific methods and language in preparation for humanities courses. In addition to imparting specialist knowledge, the focus of the training is therefore on the introduction and training of humanities working methods and techniques, which are intended to enable independent study. The students should be introduced to the forms of scientific work at German universities, i.e. get to know lectures, exercises, group and individual work.
According to the lesson objectives
therefore, the introduction to the basics and the technical language as well as the work with scientific texts are of particular importance in the classroom.
Students should be able to give presentations and write exams. The reproduction, classification and evaluation of scientific texts as well as the work with scientific theories and explanatory models should make the transition to a German university as smooth as possible for the students.
Students at the preparatory college are obliged to attend all courses regularly, and the students have to undergo the required proof of performance by the specified dates. In the event of illness, a medical certificate must be submitted immediately.
Students at the preparatory college who have previously obtained the certificate for the German language test for university admission for foreign applicants (DSH level 2) or have passed an equivalent test will be excluded from participation upon application in the subject "German as a foreign language" (DaF) and exempted from the German test if they take the assessment test for the T-course.
The DSH are the same
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