W stands for Wirtschaft, meaning “economics” or “business” in German. The preparatory
W-Course will prepare you for your German assessment test
(Feststellungsprüfung, FSP), if you plan to study in the field of
business studies or social sciences.
Who needs the W-course?
In general, foreign students that
have to apply for a Studienkolleg in Germany and intend to study, for example,
business studies or social sciences at a German university. In the preparatory W-Course, you will be taking lessons in English, German, economics and mathematics.
What are the possible degree courses that I can study after having finished the course and passed the FSP test?
The field of business and economics offers you a variety of possible degree courses in Germany. After having passed the
Feststellungsprüfung (FSP) and you have participated your foundation course W, you can choose between e.g.:
- Business Studies
- Business Informatics/Information Systems
- Economics
- Sociology
- Tourism Management
- Political Sciences and more