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T/TI Course

Штудиенколлег Кайзерслаутерна

T-Course TI-Course Winter Semester Summer Semester Min level: B2

T/TI course with a focus on technology for scientific-technical and engineering courses

Important dates for the winter semester / summer semester

  • Online application until April 15 / April 15. October
  • Complete documents by May 15 / May 15. Submit November
  • With the admission to the entrance exam you will receive access to the online courses to prepare for the entrance exam
  • Entrance exam in the 2nd or 3rd week of July / January
  • You have to confirm your place in the preparatory college
  • Lessons start on the 1st working day in September / March
  • Assessment test November-December / June-July
  • Certificate handover in mid-January / July
  • Application deadline for universities until January 15th / December 15th. July

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