The undergraduate course in cartography conveys scientific and practical basic knowledge for the acquisition and processing of geodata and their visualization using cartographic methods and tools and leads to a first professional university degree.

Альтернативные названия


Berufs-ID: 93573
Systematiknummer: 31223-902
SIF-ID: 1285120

Примеры программ обучения

Требования к школьному образованию

In-depth knowledge of the following school subjects are good prerequisites for successful studies:


Geographical knowledge and the safe handling of atlases and cartographic works are essential for the course, especially when it comes to incorporating geographic data into maps.


Solid mathematical knowledge is the basis for all natural science subjects. The study of cartography builds on solid knowledge of linear algebra, analysis, geometry, trigonometry and statistics.

Computer Science:

IT knowledge is helpful because e.g. internet cartography or cartographic data processing are part of the course. In addition, you have to be able to use common word processing and spreadsheet programs as well as the Internet, for example. User knowledge is also required, for example, to create seminar papers.


Knowing about electricity, wave propagation, and geometrical optics gives you a better understanding of the methods and processes of cartography.


Technical literature is often only available in English. Students must be able to read and understand them. You should also be able to write simple texts in English.

Изучаемые предметы

Compulsory modules (exemplary):

  • Business administration
  • Introduction to Computer Science
  • Remote sensing cartography
  • Photography and image editing
  • GeoApp development
  • Geospatial databases
  • Geodetic object detection
  • Geography and geoecology
  • Geology and geomorphology
  • Design principles and communication
  • Maps and GIS
  • Card production
  • Layout and printing
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematical and scientific applications
  • Software development

Elective modules (exemplary):

  • Use of remote sensing and GIS in natural and environmental disasters
  • Interactive 3D visualization
  • (Cartographic) information graphics
  • UAV photogrammetry and laser scanning

Practical course content:

  • Depending on the university, internships, practical modules, practical semesters (e.g. in cartographic publishers, engineering offices, with software developers for geographic applications or authorities), excursions

Примеры специализации

Additional qualifications

Acquiring additional and key qualifications during your studies makes sense and is an advantage for a successful career start (e.g. in the fields of business administration or organizational management) - as well as suitable elective modules (e.g. on the use of remote sensing and GIS in natural and environmental disasters) and Relevant internships (e.g. in cartographic publishers or engineering offices).

Срок обучения

Standard duration of study: 6-8 semesters
Average actual duration of study: 7.2 semesters
Source: Federal Statistical Office, Series 11, Series 4.2, Education and Culture - Examinations at Universities 2019

Возможные типы дипломов

  • Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)

Ситуация с обучением

You should be prepared for the following conditions and requirements:

  • Courses: Attend lectures and seminars in the lecture halls and seminar rooms of the university during the semester
  • Practical exercises: e.g. carry out exercises on the use of geographic information technology or the creation of geographic information media in the university's own specialist rooms
  • Independent work: Prepare and follow-up courses, research in libraries, prepare presentations, do term papers (also during the lecture-free period)
  • Organization: plan the course independently within the framework of the given course structure, adhere to the given deadlines and study periods, complete coursework and exams in good time (self-discipline and organizational talent required)
  • Career preparation: if necessary, complete internships (e.g. in cartographic publishers or engineering offices), prepare for entry into the profession

Дуальное обучение

Места обучения

Are learning locations

  • at the university of applied sciences: lecture halls, seminar and practice rooms, libraries
  • at home (e.g. preparation and follow-up of lectures, doing homework)

Виды учебных заведений

  • Университет Прикладных Наук

Международное обучение

Альтернативные курсы

The following subjects can be alternatives to the subject of cartography (undergraduate):

Geosciences area

  • Surveying technology, geoinformatics (undergraduate)
  • Geography (undergraduate)
  • Geosciences (undergraduate)
  • Record, document and process geodata with geographic information systems
  • Create or update map material

Print and Media

  • Printing, media technology (basic)
  • Media, multimedia technology (undergraduate)
Common ground:
  • Acquire knowledge of media production and printing technology

Сферы деятельности

There are various fields of activity in the private sector and in the public service, e.g. surveying, cartography or data collection and analysis.

Последующее образование

Bachelor graduates in cartography can continue their studies in a further subject, e.g. cartography or surveying technology, geoinformatics, and thus expand their professional and career opportunities.

  • Geosciences (advanced)
  • Cartography (advanced)
  • Surveying technology, geoinformatics (advanced)

Развитие предметной области

Development of the field

At German universities, cartography was long found as a sub-area, for example in geography, surveying or civil engineering courses. From the middle of the 20th century it established itself as an independent subject that deals with the collection and processing of spatial information.

Cartography in transition

For centuries, cartographic representations have been created by hand and reproduced using increasingly powerful printing processes. From the 1960s, computer technology found its way into cartography. As end products of an electronic data processing process, for example, simple maps could be created using line and later plotter printers. (Information) technical aspects became more and more important and are now an integral part of the course. In the 1990s, digital cartography had replaced practically all conventional map techniques. Technical innovations such as satellite navigation, laser scans and geographic information systems (GIS) are constantly being incorporated into the course content.

Previous degrees

Before the introduction of the tiered bachelor's and master's degree courses, courses in cartography led to a diploma.

Current trends

Cartography courses are increasingly dealing with the new possibilities in the use of spatial information, for example the user-friendly presentation in 3-D format or the creation of cartographic applications for mobile communications.