Geowissenschaften (grundständig)
The undergraduate course in Geosciences provides basic scientific knowledge about the lithosphere, the hydrosphere and the atmosphere, about biological factors and the interrelationships between these spheres, as well as about environmental and application-related topics and leads to a first professional university degree.
Альтернативные названия
Geosciences (undergraduate)Систематика
Berufs-ID: 93925
Systematiknummer: B 42124-926
SIF-ID: 2190802
Примеры программ обучения
Требования к школьному образованию
In-depth knowledge of the following school subjects is a good prerequisite for a successful degree:
Mathematics is an important prerequisite for scientific degree courses. Knowledge of applied mathematics is required, for example in differential, integral, infinitesimal and vector calculus. Confident use of statistical methods is also important.
During the course, you will deal with inorganic and organic geochemistry, among other things, and learn how to carry out chemical analysis procedures. Good knowledge of chemistry is the basis for dealing with these study contents.
Good school knowledge of physics is required for study contents such as geophysics and hydrogeology, geophysical exploration or seismics and tectonics.
Knowledge of the morphology and evolution of animals and the structure of plants facilitates access to the botanical and zoological study contents.
Good knowledge of geography makes it much easier to start geoscientific courses.
Specialist literature is often only available in English. Students must be able to read and understand it. They should also be able to write simple texts in English.
Изучаемые предметы
Compulsory modules (examples):
- General inorganic chemistry
- Soil science
- Introduction to exploration geophysics
- Introduction to geophysics
- Experimental physics
- Hydrogeology
- Mapping
- Mechanics
- Petrology
- Environmental geosciences/georessources
Elective modules (examples):
- General paleontology
- Introduction to polarization microscopy
- Geological maps and profiles and exogenous dynamics
- Geobiology
- Geodesy
- Geophysics/data analysis
- Rock-forming minerals
- Rock physics
- Ecology and evolution
- Thermodynamics and phase theory
Practical study content:
- Internships if necessary (e.g. in companies, engineering offices, federal or state geoscientific offices or at the university, possibly also abroad)
Примеры специализации
Additional qualifications
Acquiring additional and key qualifications during your studies is useful and beneficial for a successful start to your career (e.g. in the areas of business administration, organizational management or presentation techniques) - as are suitable elective modules (e.g. on the subject of rock physics) and relevant internships (e.g. in companies, engineering offices, federal or state geoscientific offices, possibly also abroad).
Срок обучения
Standard duration of study: 6-8 semesters
Average actual duration of study: 7.5 semesters
Source: Federal Statistical Office, Statistical Report - Statistics on examinations at German universities - Examination year 2022
Возможные типы дипломов
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Ситуация с обучением
You should be prepared for the following conditions and requirements:
- Courses: attend lectures and seminars in the university's lecture halls and seminar rooms during the semester; if necessary, take part in online courses at home
- Practical exercises: e.g. take part in field internships
- Independent work: prepare and follow up on courses, research in libraries, prepare presentations, write homework (also during the lecture-free period)
- Organization: plan your studies independently within the framework of the specified study structure, adhere to specified deadlines and study times, complete study and examination work on time (self-discipline and organizational talent required)
- Career preparation: complete internships if necessary (e.g. in companies, engineering offices, federal or state geoscientific offices), prepare for starting your career
Дуальное обучение
Места обучения
Lernorte sind
- an der Universität: Hörsäle, Seminar- und Übungsräume, Bibliotheken, Labors
- zu Hause (z.B. Vor- und Nachbereitung der Lehrveranstaltungen, Anfertigen von Hausarbeiten; ggf. Teilnahme an Online-Lehrveranstaltungen)
Виды учебных заведений
- Университет
Международное обучение
Альтернативные курсы
The following subjects can be alternatives to the subject of Geosciences (undergraduate):
Area of Geosciences
- Geography (undergraduate)
- Geoecology (undergraduate)
- Geophysics (undergraduate)
- Geotechnology (undergraduate)
- Meteorology (undergraduate)
- Raw materials engineering (undergraduate)
- Surveying technology (undergraduate)
- Acquire knowledge of geology, geophysics and geodynamics as well as in the exploration and development of raw material deposits
- Collect and evaluate geoscientific data
Сферы деятельности
For Bachelor graduates in geosciences, various fields of activity are available in the private sector and in the public sector, e.g. data collection, analysis, raw material extraction or environmental consulting and management.
Последующее образование
Bachelor graduates in geosciences can continue their studies in a further subject, e.g. geosciences, geophysics or environmental science, and thereby expand their professional and career opportunities.
- Geography (advanced)
- Geoinformatics (advanced)
- Geoecology (advanced)
- Geophysics (advanced)
- Geotechnology (advanced)
- Geosciences (advanced)
- Cartography (advanced)
- Environmental science (advanced)
- Surveying technology (advanced)
Развитие предметной области
Establishment of the subject area
The subject of geosciences encompasses several scientific disciplines such as geology, mineralogy and geophysics. These individual disciplines have been institutionalized at universities for a very long time, whereas the subject of geosciences as an overarching discipline is relatively young and arose from the need for a holistic view of the earth.
Current trends
Aspects of sustainability, e.g. the extraction of renewable energy sources through geothermal energy or offshore wind turbines, as well as information technology, e.g. the development and application of simulation and modeling programs, are playing an increasingly important role in geoscience courses.