Rechtswissenschaft (Erste juristische Prüfung)

Rechtswissenschaft (Erste juristische Prüfung)


The undergraduate degree course in Jurisprudence provides basic scientific knowledge in civil law, criminal law and public law as well as in legal history and legal philosophy. The course leads to the first legal examination, which is a prerequisite for admission to the legal preparatory service.

In addition, undergraduate and advanced degree courses in the field of law are offered, although their completion does not qualify students to practice regulated legal professions such as lawyer or public prosecutor.

Compulsory modules (examples):

  • General administrative law
  • Civil law
  • Public law
  • Law of obligations
  • Constitutional law
  • Criminal law

Possible focus areas:

  • International law
  • Media, business, taxes
  • Commercial, tax, environmental criminal law
  • State, business, administration
  • Civil justice and international private and procedural law

Practical study content:

  • Practical study periods (e.g. at administrative authorities, law firms, notaries or commercial companies)

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