Jurisprudence (undergraduate except First Law Examination)

Rechtswissenschaft (grundständig außer Erste jur. Prüfung)


The undergraduate degree in law provides basic scientific knowledge in civil law, private law, administrative law and public law and leads to a first university degree that qualifies you for a profession.
Law can also be studied as part of distance learning courses.
In addition, law is offered as part of degree courses that lead to the First Legal Examination. This qualification enables admission to the legal preparatory service, at the end of which there is the Second Legal Examination. The Second Legal Examination is the prerequisite for access to regulated legal professions such as lawyer or public prosecutor.

Modules (examples):

  • General Administrative Law
  • Special Administrative Law (e.g., Immigration Law, Security and Regulatory Law)
  • Foundations of Jurisprudence
  • Budget and Procurement Law
  • Interdisciplinary Case Study
  • IT Law and Legal Tech
  • Administrative Offense Law, Crimes in Office, and Corruption Prevention
  • Political Science and European Studies
  • Property Law
  • Obligations Law
  • Social Law
  • Constitutional Organization Law
  • Advanced Legal Case Analysis

Practical Study Components:

  • Depending on the university, potentially internships, practical modules, or practical semesters (e.g., in business enterprises)

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