

RWTH Aachen University

Graduate Summer Semester Winter Semester

Against the backdrop of a profession whose image is constantly changing, the Faculty is guided by its claim to provide generalist academic architecture studies in the form of its Master program. Here, the focus is on design and structural aspects, which account for over half of the program content. In cooperative ventures that can change in terms of subject and people, all our faculty put current issues in construction, in social and technological change in society, and in maintaining our cultural heritage, as well as the cultural and historical identity of cities and regions, at the center of their teaching and research.

Architecture, dealing theoretically and artistically with the spatiality of the world in general and with the constructed space in particular, belongs to the oldest evidence of culture and society. As an academic engineering degree program, architecture has been a self-evident component of the traditional subject canon ever since the foundation of the Technical University of Aachen in the year 1870. Thus, the Aachen Faculty of Architecture is one of the oldest academic training institutions in Germany. Traditionally, at the RWTH, the Faculty with its interdisciplinary cooperation within and beyond the university is the interface between aesthetics and engineering and highly represents the academic spirit. It profits from the diversity and quality of teaching, research and praxis of one of the leading technical universities and from the lively urban region in the European setting. Its special geographic location on the border of Belgium and the Netherlands expands the view towards international problems.

In the center of academic education is the conveyance of knowledge and abilities with regard to design, art and engineering on the basis of a social and cultural responsibility.

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