The degree program is oriented towards all company specialists and executives working to establish new spheres of application and involved in project planning and implementation in the field of BI Consulting, Business Analytics, Project Engineering and Information Analysis. You can choose between an extra-occupational track (part-time) with lectures on weekends and a classic full-time study program.
Big Data - of ever greater significance in the corporate environment
The volume of structured and unstructured data available to companies today both from internal and external data sources is growing rapidly. The objective is to utilize this data for targeted sales pitches, in establishing new business fields and in optimizing corporate processes.
Generating knowledge from data
The aim of the degree program "Big Data and Business Analytics" is to ask the right big data questions arising from the specific company context, to identify and analyze the relevant data, and finally to relay the analysis results back to the company in a target-oriented fashion.
What we offer
As a result, apart from technical and statistical tools such as big data architectures, data mining and predictive analytics, the curriculum is also focused largely on creative questioning techniques, visualization, storytelling, ethics and international law. The theoretical knowledge gained is applied and enhanced in a case study which increases in complexity with each semester.
Flexible alongside your full-time career - with online support
To accommodate the flexibility requirements of working professionals the extra-occupational track offers classroom teaching modules taking place at regular intervals over a weekend are combined with online
e-learning based on live chats, and self-paced e-learning.
Beginning in February 2018 Representants from external companies with a strong Big Data context are invited to show the latest development of Big Data practices within their respective company during a talk including a follow-up discussion with the students. Key objective of the talk series is to provide the students with the most recent Big Data methodology, applications and trends in various business branches.