
Business administration

Ansbach University of Applied Sciences

Undergraduate Winter Semester

The Business Administration (BA) programme is completed with a Bachelor of Arts degree after seven semesters of standard study. The programme can only begin in the winter semester and only within the range of the specified limit grade. Lectures take place mainly on the Ansbach campus. The programme is in German language.

Do you want to make a difference?

Do you want to develop sustainable strategies for companies or institutions, create innovative products and services, retain customers and creatively to implement the changes?

Business Administration programme is the right choice for you!

The accredited Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration is a training programme that prepares students for the labour market and qualifies them for management tasks in business and administration or for Master's degree programmes in the same field. The graduates also have the qualification to find a company or they can work as a freelancer.

The Business Administration degree programme offers the opportunity to select two focus modules from a wide range of interesting subjects. Each of the two main areas comprises several modules, which are divided into compulsory and elective subjects. Each specialisation is supervised by at least one professor.

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