
Business Administration – Supply Chain Management

University of Cologne

Graduate Winter Semester

A supply chain consists of a string of companies. The major in SCM addresses the relevant intra- and cross-company issues in seeking to solve the manifold challenges of global supply chain management. In the process, field-tested concepts as well as the latest scientific findings are conveyed in a practice-oriented way. Many modules are offered in the English language.


  • Strategy development
  • logistics and production management
  • purchasing
  • service management
  • intra- and cross-company planning
  • optimization and controlling

Some examples of the questions Business Administration - Supply Chain Management students look at

  • How can operations research methods help ensure scarce production resources are used in the best way possible?
  • What methods exist for optimising safety stocks?
  • How does Industry 4.0 influence supply chain process planning?
  • Why is batch-size planning still important?
  • How can complex processes be analysed before implementation?
  • Which models do application systems use in practice?
  • What impact do market uncertainties have on costs?
  • How does the production system influence production planning?
  • How can inventories be optimised on the basis of contractual arrangements?
  • What behavioural aspects influence supply chain management?
  • How can the supply chain make an effective contribution to product and process innovation?
  • How can a company’s strategy be implemented effectively in its operational processes?
  • How can companies remain constantly innovative?

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