
Business Psychology

Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences

Undergraduate Summer Semester Winter Semester

The degree program Business Psychology offered by Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences combines practical, applied psychology with the time-tested standards of business administration. This interdisciplinary study program uses the scientific insights of psychology to answer economic questions. In the process, students become familiar with the foundations of business administration. In higher semesters, students can choose between the areas of concentration Human Resources and Organization or Market Psychology and Marketing. Another special feature of the degree program Business Psychology is its international orientation. Business psychologists can work in human resources, in marketing and advertising agencies, and in management consultancies. Graduates are also frequently employed in market research, as trainers for executives, or for psychological services in various institutions.
Characteristic of the program is the integration of high practical relevance and well-founded scientific findings of psychology. In addition to the application reference, the international orientation of the degree program is a special feature. Business psychologists mainly work in human resources, in marketing and advertising agencies, in market research and in management consultancy.

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