Areas of computer science are practical and applied computer science, theoretical computer science and technical computer science. These sections of computer science are represented at the JGU by the following six working groups:
New developments in the field of computer graphics are immediately recognizable to anyone on the basis of current computer-animated films or computer games. The working group for Algorithmic Geometry and Computer Graphics researches the theoretical foundations for efficient geometric algorithms and data structures and uses them in practical applications for the visualization and simulation of motion sequences. This also includes applications in the field of computer-aided design, automated motion planning and package optimization.
Research topics of the working group are storage systems and scalable computer systems. High Performance Computing (HPC) will advance into the area of exascale computing in the coming years, offering exciting challenges. The HPC is transitioning from a pure computing power-centric area to an area where data management is playing an increasingly important role.
The working group mainly conducts research in the areas of data mining and machine learning. It develops methods to analyze large and complex data sets and apply these methods in the life sciences and other fields (computational sustainability, energy, transport, social networks). The courses include lectures, seminars and internships in the core areas of data mining and machine learning, but also lectures from other areas of applied computer science such as database systems and software engineering.
The research focus of the working group is the development and application of modern bioinformatics methods and program packages, mostly in close cooperation with academic and industrial partners. The areas of application of the research include u.a. the computer-assisted diagnosis and prognosis as well as the rational drug design.
The research group Algorithmics works mainly in the area of algorithm engineering for problems of combinatorial optimization. Algorithm engineering deals with the development and implementation of algorithms for problems arising from interdisciplinary projects. The research projects thus demand the theoretical development of algorithms and their practical implementation. The investigated questions mostly come from the field of combinatorial optimization.
The focus of this working group is the design, implementation and evaluation of scalable tools for genome sequence analysis (bioinformatics) and applications in the field of computational science, using modern high performance computing technologies (HPC), e.g.
The development of methods and tools often takes place in cooperation with interdisciplinary partners at the Johannes Gutenberg University, ia. the Department of Biology, Unimedicine and the Institute of Molecular Biology.
The working group conducts research and teaching in the overlap of computer graphics (synthesis of images of virtual scenes) and computer vision (pattern recognition in data from the real world). Our core expertise lies in the recognition of patterns and structures in geometric and spatial data. The group offers several courses related to the field of research, as well as in the broader field of computer graphics and vision, and in basic computer science.
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