Computer Science is the science of systematic processing of information, especially the automatic pocessing with the assistance of computers. As a science, Computer Science developed historically from mathematics whereas the development of the first computers has its origins in Electrical and Communications Engineering. Nevertheless, computers are only a tool and medium of Computer Science to implement theoretical concepts into practice.
The study of Computer Science imparts the basic knowledge, methodological skills and the competences which prepare for the various tasks as a computer scientist. The focus of the bachelor program with a duration of six semesters is the imparting of scientific/technical competences in the classical subject areas of Computer Science. Disciplines such as theoretical fundamentals, professional programming, software engineering, databases, system software and computer architecture have priority. Choosing a minor and a specialisation provide the opportunity to set own thematical topics according to personal interests in the study.
Successful studies lead to the degree “Bachelor of Sience”, which qualifies for a career as well as for a consecutive master’s program.
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