
Cyber Security

Universität des Saarlandes

Undergraduate Summer Semester Winter Semester

IT security is one of the central themes of a digital society. Over the past few decades, the state of IT security has not kept up with dramatically increased demands

Faulty computer systems are exploited in a variety of ways to spy on and sabotage even highly critical infrastructures:

  • Consumers are now dumping a ton of personal information into social networks without realizing the grave privacy issues a long-term digital outage can bring.
  • The Internet has evolved into a virtual bazaar where people can exchange information and goods freely and in relative anonymity across geographic distances and national borders, without being held responsible for unlawful behavior.

The demand for highly qualified junior staff in the field of IT security is accordingly very high and has led to the conception of the bachelor's degree in cybersecurity at the University of the Saarland. It covers all aspects of cybersecurity and lays the foundations for a comprehensive understanding of the highly complex topic from the very first semester (for example, in lectures such as "Cyber ​​Security Basics", "Secure Software Engineering", "Cryptography", ...). The knowledge transferred in the areas of IT security is complemented by content from classical computer science studies.

The program is research-oriented: all contents of the study reflect the current state of cybersecurity research. Contributing factors include several internationally renowned research institutes, which are located on the university campus and are in direct contact with the students. Above all, the CISPA (Center for IT Security, Privacy and Accountability), the DFKI (German Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence), the two Max Planck Institutes for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) and Computer Science (MPI-INF), and the Cluster of Excellence " Multimodal Computing and Interaction "(MMCI).

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