
Data and Information Science

Technische Hochschule Köln

Undergraduate Winter Semester

Data and information play a pivotal role in today’s digital society and in times of "big data". Enterprises, politicians and the sciences all require reliable information in order to make sound decisions. Being able to analyze huge amounts of data and to provide the right information at the right time, in the right quality and at the right place is a crucial task.

Data and Information Scientists are specialists in retrieving, analyzing and organizing data and information and have a solid knowledge of the technologies and tools that are required to do so. Programming skills, mathematics and statistics therefore play an important role in this Bachelor's program.

What makes a data and information scientist special?

Information is obtained from data, e.g. B. by content and statistical analysis. Information science has increasingly developed into a digitized, data-driven discipline. Traditional methods of information acquisition are increasingly being supplemented or replaced by algorithmic methods of analyzing mass data (big data). Mathematics and statistics as well as programming and techniques of text, data and web mining are therefore a focus of this course in addition to classic information research and information development. Another central component are questions of information ethics, information security and data protection.

Through this interdisciplinary mix of methods, data and information scientists play an important interface function between IT development and the information needs in companies, organizations and scientific institutions. With their diverse skills, you will find a wide range of applications in the very heterogeneous information industry.

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