
Data Science

Philipps-Universität Marburg

Undergraduate Winter Semester

Data Science is a very young scientific discipline. It discusses ways to obtain information and policy recommendations from the analysis of large or unstructured datasets. The main focus of the Bachelor Degree Program "Data Science" lies on the areas of software development, scalable data management, machine learning and statistical analysis, which are important in industry and science - supplemented by practice-relevant fundamentals in the field of applied mathematics.

The study course provides a sound education in computer science with choices in the field of data analysis as well as a basic education in mathematics and statistics.

Due to the progressive digitization in our society problems in the qualified handling of large amounts of data arise in almost all areas:

  • In organizations, captured data, in both structured and unstructured form, using data integration, analysis, and visualization tools can provide important insights into the current state of a business and, subsequently, predictions about future developments.
  • In the scientific context, a primary goal is to quickly get value from such data for research.

In contrast to the traditional approach, in which analyzes with a small, well-structured amount of data are carried out locally on a computer by the user directly, more sophisticated data analyzes are required in the future, which can only be carried out by specialists who have sound methodological knowledge in computer science and statistics. As a graduate of the degree program "Data Science", you will be able to perform important functions, as you will be purposefully trained to solve such problems!

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