
Data Science

Friedrich–Alexander University Erlangen–Nürnberg

Undergraduate Winter Semester

We live in the age of digitization with all its advantages but also with our own problems. We passionately defend our opinion on social media, rate the vacation photos of our fellow human beings, and consume digital content via our trusted streaming service. We leave a clear digital footprint in the form of data. It is estimated that all of humanity is currently generating a quantity of data of several zettabytes (that's a one with 21 zeros!) Per year. Not every bit and every click is relevant, but based on the amount of our personal data collected, technological miracles can be performed, but they also raise questions:

  • How does Google know what I want to find right away?
  • Why do more and more items end up in my Amazon shopping cart than I originally wanted to buy?
  • How can Spotify estimate my taste in music so well?
  • Why do fake news spread faster than the truth?
  • How can you use deep learning to teach a computer to beat the world champion in Go?

A few years ago everyone was talking about “Big Data”. The value of data was outweighed by that of gold, and the initial hype sparked a true gold prospect mood in the technology industry.

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