Economics and politics are by no means as strictly separated from each other as the division into individual scientific areas would initially lead one to believe. In the public debate, the success of political action is often measured in terms of economic development, the level of unemployment or economic growth. At the HTW Berlin, the bachelor's degree in "Economics and Politics" (BWP) offers access from various academic perspectives and focuses on economic policy. The foundation is laid by modules with content from economics and business administration, political science and law. These modules always take into account the current framework conditions in Germany and the European Union.
In order to properly understand the consequences of economic policy, a broad economic knowledge is necessary. On the one hand, about economic variables such as growth, exchange rates and inflation. On the other hand, an understanding of the processes and strategic orientation of companies is important. Both are closely connected: the individual company has to act in an overall economic environment; the development of the whole national economy is the sum of the individual companies. For this reason, the economic aspect of the "Economics and Politics" course at the HTW Berlin is not limited to economics, but is also dedicated to business administration.
Who determines the conditions for investments, the development of the labor market, who shapes the monetary and financial policy? Knowledge of the economic policy actors and their decision-making processes is central to the application of the economic toolbox. It is about the actions of finance ministries and central banks as well as about the European and international framework. Trade agreements and monetary policy, for example, are located at the EU level, so that the institutions of the European Central Bank, the European Commission and the European Parliament are relevant here. For tax, labor and social policy, on the other hand, the economic policy goals of the federal government and its majority in the German Bundestag are decisive.
Political action, on the other hand, does not stand alone. In order to be able to analyze and forecast it, the legal framework must be observed - legal background knowledge is required. And since debates on economic policy issues are rarely conducted without reference to studies and statistics, students of the Bachelor's degree in "Economics and Politics" learn to collect and read empirical data. Because in order to be able to support economic policy decisions with empirical studies, good methodological knowledge is required, which requires mathematical, statistical and econometric skills.
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