The Master programme „Ethics - Economics, Law and Politics" (EELP) is an interdisciplinary and research-focused programme. It deals with four main topics – globalisation and justice, markets and morality, administration and responsibility, welfare and dignity – which are considered both from the perspective of philosophy, respectively normative ethics, and from the descriptive and analytic perspective of economics, law and politics.
The interdisciplinary, problem-oriented, research-focused education opens a great deal of employment opportunities in research and economy for the degree holders.
The Master programme in „Ethics - Economics, Law and Politics" (EELP) is an interdisciplinary and research-focused degree programme. In the style of very successful similar study courses in the English-speaking world four faculties carry out the programme: philosophy, law, economics and social science. The theoretical and empirical insight of the three socio-scientific disciplines is combined with the explicitly normative orientation of philosophy.
The content of the programme consists of four main topics, each with a normative and a descriptive, respectively analytic emphasis:
A competent approach to these topics demands knowledge about the frameworks of law and the political circumstances as well as economical expertise and competence for normative reflection. All those skills are conveyed in the course of study. Thus, our students are enabled to comprehend the full extent of current challenges like the financial crisis, global poverty, growing costs of health care systems etc.
The programme is addressed to excellent Bachelor Degree holders and young professionals, who aim to fulfil major tasks in politics or economy or who aspire to an outstanding and future-oriented research-activity.
Students are trained to become excellent problem solvers, highly qualified in the field of research – a profile of qualification that is more and more requested in business companies, in politics and organisations. In the first year of their studies, the students acquire basic information; in the second year they develop their own project. Applied projects can be combined with an internship abroad, research oriented projects can be carried out at our international partner institutes.
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