
Game Design

University of Europe for Applied Sciences

Undergraduate Summer Semester Winter Semester

Computer, video, and mobile games are the medium of the future. Already today, more than 40 percent of Germans profess their love for them, with 90 percent of those people playing them multiple times a week. Games mean entertainment and business, yet they also reflect personal expression and global perspectives – and most of all, they're a lot of fun. As a game designer, you’ll create innovative game mechanics and shape game narratives. With your expertise, you’ll be involved in all stages of development: from the first idea through to the technical and creative conceptual design and finally the design of spaces and characters.

At the University of Europe for Applied Sciences (UE), you’ll have the unique opportunity to put together your own individual combination of game design, development and art, which means that you’ll get familiar with the individual disciplines as well as their mutual influences.

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