The bachelor's program "Art and Cultural History" deals with the visually, acoustically and socially tangible parts of cultural history, such as works of art, music and handicraft, paintings from paintings to utility graphics and photographs, shape the lifeworld in the designed spaces of the cities and individual monuments as well as the musical compositions and how they finally express themselves in the cultural practices and basic convictions. The traces of cultural memory that have been preserved in pictures and buildings, but also in musical works and instruments, as well as the social forms of culture which include, for example, popular culture and social movements, issues of migration or magic, become fundamentally historical Perspectives that reflect their origins and past functions and meanings.
The combination of classical archeology, art history, musicology, European ethnology / folklore and European regional history as well as Bavarian and Swabian country history spans the chronological arc from antiquity to the present. The cultures of Europe are considered in their historically changing extent and in their exchange with each other. In addition, Bavaria and Swabia, with their rich cultural and cultural history, are a focal point of state history. The basis of the interdisciplinary network is formed by the shared historical perspective and the diverse points of contact and linking in the occupational fields. For example, many museums and other institutions unite archaeological, art historical, music historical, folkloric and regional history collections under one roof. For this reason, the degree program conveys knowledge of the subject areas of the disciplines involved as well as the scientific questions, theories and methods that underlie them.
All participating disciplines share the historical-critical perspective and methodology. Classical archeology, art history and musicology deal with the aesthetically demanding works of art as well as with the designed lifeworld from antiquity to the present, while European ethnology / folklore uses the means of empirical social research and the forms of cultural self-understanding in the present and the past Instruments of anthropology and anthropology. The historical foundation is reinforced by European Regional History as well as Bavarian and Swabian regional history, which deals with the regional structures and their cultural institutions.
The program "Art and Cultural History" conveys
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