Are you fascinated by technology? Are you interested in business processes? Then study both - in the industrial engineering course. You benefit from interdisciplinary training in engineering and business subjects, in technology and in management. The program includes mathematical, scientific, engineering and business modules.
Technology is the driver of our progress, innovations shape our future. But ideas and increasingly intelligent technical solutions must also be implemented in ever shorter time frames and with increasing cost pressure. Technical knowledge alone is then no longer sufficient - economic thinking must also be added. Because innovations only prevail if they are produced cost-effectively and successfully put on the market. That means: engineers and business economists have to work hand in hand. Industrial engineers support them in this. You will find solutions across departmental boundaries, with engineering expertise and business expertise.
The industrial engineering course is characterized by a generalist and interdisciplinary education in technical and economic subjects. This opens up a wide range of fields of application for you in almost all areas of the company - especially in areas where technology and business meet.
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