Curating – Communicating – Managing – These three terms span the huge field of digital media and its technologies, for which International Media Cultural Work will qualify its students as superbly imaginative leaders and strategically outstanding executives. During the program,students will focus on media aesthetic education and cultural communication to develop expertise in inspiring society to a deeper and critical understanding of media technologies’cultural implications, as well as their social and ethicalphilosophical dimensions. The course’s practical goal is to encourage society and individuals to use media for skillful self-expression, as well as for creative and emancipatory practices. The program is conducted in English. Its perspective is international and intercultural. The students will work in transdiscipline, collaborative, and experimental environments.
Are you interested in digital culture, art and technology? Do you want to become an innovative leader in this field?
Do you want to make audiences and individuals understand digital media, grasp it, touch it, critically as well as creatively? Do you want to work in a professional field which merges aesthetics, cultural concepts, media technological methods, pedagogical considerations, and managerial steering strategies? If yes, our Master’s degree program International Media Cultural Work might be for you!
The collaborative spirit in our international team is characterized by diversity and tolerance.
The Master´s program International Media Cultural Work (IMC) addresses to
• Media makers – because they can expand their knowhow and abilities of expression by latest technologies e.g. Fulldome Cinema, VR- and 3D-Audio and other immersive media.
• Media artists and curators – because IMC gets them in touch with new perspectives and latest concepts by which they can deepen their curatorial, artistic and pedagogical approaches, and this will empower them to lead future discourses and practices.
• Journalists – because they’ll experience how imaginatively, unconventionally and creatively they can work in the field of media cultural facilitation and an expanded field of journalism.
• Technology enthusiasts – because they’ll get in touch with the innovative spectrum of latest technologies enabling them to to present digital content in new, stunning ways and facilitating it to the general public.
• Management experts – because this program conveys advanced knowledge and methods of strategies, organization, self organization, finances, negotiation and leadership skills in and with media.
• Networkers – because International Media Cultural Work brings students from all over the world together and enables them to build up directly their individual international networks and intercultural competences.
• Researchers– because they can build up, develop and foster their research interests and abilities, under the qualified supervision of experienced and reknown supervisors in scientific, scholarly as well as in artistic research.
If you want to work successfully in digital media, knowledge and knowhow of the framework is a huge professional bonus. Being aware and being able to steer how media productions and digital culture can be facilitated to society, will ensure the sustained acceptance of high quality production. Based on this, you can develop audiences, foster them, and solidly build up your career and leadership prospects.
Contact us to find out how we can help you get into the best university in Germany and secure a promising career.
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