

Hamburg University

Undergraduate Summer Semester Winter Semester

Questions of law, its interpretation and validity accompany us in all situations in life. The study of law deals with these questions and is therefore very complex, but also multifaceted. The various areas are examined and analyzed in nine semesters of standard study time. After acquiring general basic knowledge and in-depth knowledge in the three major areas of law, public law, criminal law and civil law in the basic and main studies, one must be selected from a total of 11 focus areas within the framework of the specialization area study; E.g. commercial and company law, social law with employment law references, information and communication, European and international law as well as maritime business law. This serves to specialize in a sub-area of ​​law.

In addition, sufficient competencies in the area of ​​key qualifications (e.g. events on negotiation management, conversation management, rhetoric and mediation) and law-oriented foreign language skills must be acquired. In addition, internships lasting a total of three months are planned.

The course ends with the “First Legal Examination” (formerly known as the 1st State Examination), which is made up of the “University Specialized Subject Examination” and the “State Compulsory Subject Examination”.

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