Make sure that concerts, events and TV shows delight the audience.
Study + experiment + produce. Media and Acoustical Engineering focuses on the knowledge that highly specialized project engineers in the audio / video field and acousticians in professional life really need. In Mittweida you learn to analyze and evaluate complex, media-technical tasks in order to plan and install the solutions.
The theory is always linked to practice: At professional events such as the Mittweida campus festival, congresses such as the Mittweida media forum, in our sound studios and acoustic laboratories. You apply the knowledge from the lectures directly.
The focus is on your own interests: in the specializations, national and international specialists who have many years of practical experience in professional life help you to expand your specialist knowledge during your studies. This specialization and the practical projects give you a head start in knowledge and experience for your career start.
Contact us to find out how we can help you get into the best university in Germany and secure a promising career.
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