In view of the ongoing changes in media consumption behaviour, no occupational field today can do without a theoretically and methodologically sound knowledge of the media sector. From the basics of media-based communication to specific analytical skills in individual media genres, the B.A. Media and Communication programme imparts core competencies in media studies, including film and television research, media psychology, media education, media informatics and communication studies. In addition to comprehensive media analysis skills, students are given insights into practical media production (e.g. print, audio-visual and online media, transmedia storytelling).
The programme thus draws from the humanities, cultural and social sciences and combines this content with the media as the subject of research and a conceptual-analytical media practice (online, print, television, film production, games). The programme is designed to give its students the theoretical and methodological underpinnings that will allow them to engage in reasoning processes according to scientific principles. Upon graduation, students are equipped with the necessary qualifications for subsequent master's-level study and with numerous skills and abilities that are relevant to their future professional life. The programme places a focus on scientific-institutional and practical-editorial media occupations, such as media research and teaching in an academic context (universities, adult education) and practical media education as well as media work in foundations, museums and various institutions.
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