
Mobility Management

RheinMain University of Applied Sciences

Undergraduate Winter Semester

Our society is inconceivable without mobility - we would not be able to reach our jobs, schools, shops, doctors, but also friends, cinemas and beer gardens. Cars, buses, trains, roads, rails, airports are building blocks of a highly complex traffic system. In order for this system to function and interact economically, reliably and in an environmentally friendly manner, a wide range of management tasks in companies, authorities and civil society have to be mastered.

Graduates of the Mobility Management B. Eng. take on these tasks. They analyze our traffic problems from a planning-technical perspective as well as from a social science point of view, develop new, innovative solutions from a user perspective and implement the solutions sustainably.

Mobility management consists of three pillars - which are equivalent in the course of study:

  • Traffic and mobility engineering: The consideration of planning processes, the design of infrastructures or the conception of networks are shaped by engineering.
  • Subjective mobility behavior: Traffic and mobility are organized by people for people. Individual mobility behavior is the basis of transport demand. Diverse influences affect mobility behavior. Whether these can be attributed to the action situation, the available transport or the person who made the decision, they can be measured empirically and analyzed statistically. Such analyzes are used to design and promote means of transport and are therefore an important part of tomorrow's transport system.
  • Institutions: Our transport system is maintained and developed by various actors. This often requires highly dynamic and apparently unpredictable economic, legal and political processes. Here, management means understanding and intelligently influencing the dynamics of social systems.

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